10 weeks out!! Half way milestone for Natural Men's Physique show!

1 year ago

I am officially half way through my prep for my next debut in Natural Men's Physique Body Building! This is very exciting and it is starting to feel all the more real. Join me as I break down my week of progress, and go over some of the changes I have been making to my training schedule. The mountain gets steeper from here! Training is going to be more intense and grueling, and calories are going to keep coming down. It's tough but this is what it takes to compete!

As a clean, drug free athlete there are some major challenges and differences to competing naturally. There are no short cuts, and no illegal substances to be abused in order to suppress the appetite. That is where the emphasis on clean healthy eating comes into play! I have spent many years studying nutrition to a deep level so that I can truly understand how the body works. Subscribe to my channel and over time I will teach you all of the things that I know! But beyond that I can do private training sessions for those that really want to make a change!

For private 1 on 1 online coaching email inquiries to filli1aj@gmail.com

Shot on iPhone 13 - https://www.apple.com/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-13
Studio lighting set up - https://www.amazon.com/GEEKOTO-Softbox-Photography-Lighting-Kit/dp/B095RGK1PP/ref=sr_1_13?crid=3BO3HJWYUCY4R&keywords=ubeesize+softbox&qid=1687359279&s=electronics&sprefix=ubeesize+softbox%2Celectronics%2C106&sr=1-13&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.18630bbb-fcbb-42f8-9767-857e17e03685
Recorded on Shure MV7 -https://www.shure.com/en-US/products/microphones/mv7?variant=MV7-K

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facebook: https://www.facebook.com/philipanderson13/
twitter: https://twitter.com/andrewfillion
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andrew_fillion/
rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2974542
tik tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@andrewfillionyt?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

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