Creation & conscious "awakening" are both from a dark place.

1 year ago

Earth is from the hole , illuminated from a dark place, so too is a spiritual awaking, from a dark place. Didn't Moses bring people out of a dark place? Of course he did, it is the start of the whole story of man's rebirth, his 2nd birth, his spiritual awakening. Where is the word or name Egypt from ? Kemet ! Kemet represents a dark place, not dark people or dark soils, lol. What do you think Plato was referring to in his cave analogy? No, not that silly common man's explanation. It was referring to the Gentile's unawoken conscious state of blindness, until he comes out of his dark place into the light he only sees a shadow of reality. Awakening the higher self is our goal in this life. Not flash cars, flash houses, screwing around, and following stupid politics. At the end of the day, they all mean nothing and will only lead you into your next life as a dumb animal, to represent your ignorance and stupidity at squandering the one opportunity while in human form. We must be in search of the truth while we are here in this life form, and asking the right questions to ensure another opportunity in human form as we pass over and back again through reincarnation.
I tried to edit out 17:40 to 17:43 and YT kept wiping the whole 17:40 minutes of the video every time. So ignore the stationary Sun I mention at that point, please.

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