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interview with Pastor Arthur Powlowski & Leszek Kunc

Streamed on:

Pastor Arthur Pawlowski has been persecuted since the start of COVID for refusing to waiver on his religious freedoms, and those of his flock. After tremendous persecution including imprisonment, solitary confinement, kidnapping and attempted murder, Pastor Pawlowski is now facing 10 years in prison for the first "eco-terrorism" charge in history - and his story comes with a warning for all.


  • 0/2000
  • He will be much better in Russia and safer

  • Incredible men. All of you.

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  • May twodoes rot in the hottest part of hell

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  • Such a good dude.

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  • Interesting! There is a passage in one of the Gospels (I don't remember where as I'm not a Protestant Bible basher) where some disciples came to Jesus saying that there were some elsewhere who were preaching and casting out demons in Your name but they are not of our company. Should we anathematise them? And He said: "Who is not against Me is with me... ". Curious, maybe He was alluding to the likes of these gallant Polskie fellows. Anyhow, I invite those gentlemen to investigate the plethora of Polish saints and scholars who were instrumental in forming the gallant soul of Polish culture; maybe start with Maximilian Kolbe, a fairly recent Polish hero who was antithetical to, most notably, Protestantism, Judaeo-Masonry, Nazism, Communism...

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  • ✨💖🙏🏻✨

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  • In Melbourne's west the Polish were heavily involved with our Freedom Groups

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  • Great encouragement from these God fearing men.

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  • 8:32

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  • This interview brought tears to my eyes. Thank you in Solidarity.

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  • I cried I prayed I am empowered. God bless us