The hottest week in history: here's what nobody's telling you about it [This Week in Tyranny ep. 31]

10 months ago

It’s dark and hell is hot...

This Week in Tyranny: the most hardcore news show on Earth.

A weekly show about authoritarianism, government overreach, and global injustice. You can find this episode along with all others at The Freedom Current
If tyranny is not at your doorstep, it's because there is someone in the street keeping it at bay.

Episode 31 – July 7th, 2023

This week, we have seen the hottest day in recorded human history, 4 days in a row. Scorching life-threatening heat? Not so much, but by global mean, the aggregate temperature reached 63 degrees Fahrenheit. This is attributed to the current El Nino phase of the ENSO oscillating weather pattern, as well as “human-caused climate change”

Human Cause? Let’s talk about that.
Let’s set aside the countless variables that would need to be eliminated to prove human causality of climate patterns. The volcanoes, undetected planetary cycles, galactic magnetic activity, sunspot cycles, etc.
Let’s set that aside and say humans are poisoning the Earth:

Toxic industrial runoff, thermal pollution from power plants, deforestation for the purposes of mass production, profit-motive animal agriculture, the dystopian blanket-grid of electromagnetic radiation, destructive agricultural practices, addiction to petrochemicals and plastic- all for the mighty dollar?

Yes, humans are poisoning the Earth, those would be the humans in government, big corporations, banks, militaries, and the gutless “scientists” and “doctors” who support them.

The belief in authority vested in human beings, the institutions of the world, the ruling class- they maintain the system of fossil fuels and hydrocarbon combustion engines, the obsolete outdated paradigm of centrally-controlled energy, the fear-based system of scarcity. Slavery.

A clean, sustainable lifestyle is out there. We, the slaves, are just not allowed to develop it.

And these parasites lecture us about respect for the environment.
To arms, my brother and sisters...

Hosted by Konrad Rogoz

00:00 - 03:06 - Overview
03:06 - 06:30 - The narrative
06:30 - 09:00 - Non-human causes
09:00 - 11:27 - Government activity
11:27 - 18:11 - Occult science
18:11 - 25:34 - Psychology and Respect
25:34 - 29:33 - The real Cause
29:33 - 33:55 - Final message

#nature #naturallaw #truelove

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