The Truth About the COVID Vaccine Is Based on Reliable Intelligence Inside the CCP

1 year ago

07/27/2023 Roy on Wayne Dupree Podcast: Mr. Miles Guo and the New Federal State of China were among the first few to talk about and insist on spreading the truth about the COVID vaccines. If we had not been banned from social media, we would have saved many more people. We tell the truth because we have hard intelligence from inside the CCP and even from the P4 labs.
07/27/2023 罗伊做客《Wayne Dupree Podcast》节目:郭文贵先生和新中国联邦是极少数最早谈论并坚持传播新冠疫苗真相的人。如果没有被社交媒体封杀,我们将拯救更多的人。我们说出真相,因为我们有来自中共内部甚至是P4实验室的可靠情报。

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