Islam and the free gift of God 235

1 year ago

I reminded yesterday that islam has no answer to the question of knowing why Jesus was born of a virgin and shown than the attempt to deny the miraculous nature of this conception in comparing it to that of Adam (Koran 3.59) makes not sense at all, because Adam being the first man, he could not to be engendered by an other man. But this comparison between Jesus and Adam, already did by saint Paul (Rm 5.14 ; 1 Co 15.22,45), has this of interesting than it shows in Adam the principle of humanity, who, due to his sin, is a slave of the devil, of sin and of the death and in Jesus the principle too of a other humanity, of new humanity (Col 1.18), recreated by His death and His resurrection,
for being holy and immaculate, heir of the eternal life. because "The salary of sin, it's the death, but the gift free of God, it is the eternal life in Jesus-Christ ! (Rm 6.23)

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