Why Is Bible Prophecy Important?

1 year ago

It is an interesting fact that nearly one-third of the content of the Biblical text is composed of prophetic writing. If, as we believe, the Bible has been inspired by the Being who created mankind as well as the planet on which we live, then perhaps some attention should be paid to the large number of scriptures in this category. One must ask: "Is Bible Prophecy Important?"

In the New Testament the Greek term for “prophecy” is derived from the word for “prophet,” prophetes, which can be used to mean “an inspired speaker”, that is one who has an important message of direction or correction, or it can designate a “foreteller”, one who carries a message that explains future events.

Please also read the Tomorrow's World Magazine article from Mr. Richard Ames titled, "Why Study Bible Prophecy?" https://www.tomorrowsworld.org/magazines/2012/january-february/why-study-bible-prophecy

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