Miles Guo’s legal team is working to elevate the case to a level that involves US national security

1 year ago

7/29/2023 【Miles Insight】On July 24th, Mr. Guo's lawyers requested to hold an ex parte conference with the court and also submitted a sealed document. Mr. Guo's case involves U.S. national security and is not an economic crime case. His legal team is working to elevate the case to a level that involves U.S. national security.
#MilesGuo #NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/29/2023 【Nicole看七哥】郭先生的律师在7月24日提出要与法院举行单方闭门会议,同时也提交了一份密封的文件。郭先生的案子涉及到的是美国的国家安全,而根本不是什么经济案件。郭先生的律师团队正在将案子提高到一个涉及美国国家安全的层面上。
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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