in my ideal utopia we'd have to face our problems w/out distractions

11 months ago

has anyone noticed how often i've been changing my glasses
i fell asleep reading last night
i often pass out on the floor uploading yt videos
we are very lucky to have glue
super glue ain't as super as they advertise tho considering
two pairs of broken glasses
imma wave regardless of the man in my head
is that the vagina or is the effect of living here
as long as i don't act hateful
i was getting so annoyed yesterday
i hate it when people gotta have an attitude
often times i apologize for being a bitch but then people tell me that i wasn't and i am just crazy
it's making the noise
i'm just gonna have to hold the camcorder
not everybody has a personality disorder, amy
kathy griffin got her wish
schizos don't leave the house
schizo affective people have to be told that shit
you're never allowed to make these fo real self-assessments
old skool state trooper vehicles
note to self: must hold tripod from now on
most employ a "professional" to figure things out for them
honest effort at self-evaluation vs. jumping to a conclusion in a very short period of time
self-fulfilling prophecy probably indicates bdpd
so many people are doin this right now
they know that all these mfs are insecure
the natural captivity of visuals
i can't blame everything on what i wanna blame it on
laziness enables a lotta bad things
it's very easy to understand the technological takeover

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