House make in 90days /and house of wood and mud

10 months ago

Wood and Mud Hours

Default (GPT-3.5)

Description of hours make by wood and mud

Hours made by wood and mud are primitive timekeeping devices used in some cultures. These devices typically consist of a circular wooden frame with markings on the inner surface. Mud or clay is then used to create a conical structure within the frame, and a stick or rod is placed vertically at the center.

Throughout the day, the sun's position casts a shadow from the central rod onto the inner markings. As the sun moves across the sky, the shadow's position changes, indicating the passage of hours. The accuracy of such devices can vary, and they are usually limited to daylight hours, as they rely on sunlight for timekeeping.

It's important to note that "hours make by wood and mud" might refer to different specific devices or practices in various cultures, as timekeeping methods have evolved differently across civilizations

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