China discovers mysterious glass spheres on the Moon that may contain billions of tons of water!

1 year ago

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An original video created by Too Curious Facts

China discovers mysterious glass spheres on the Moon that may contain billions of tons of water!

These strange glass spheres, also known as impact glasses or microtektites, are formed when meteorites collide with the Moon at extremely high speeds, throwing fragments of the lunar crust upward. Within these plumes, silicate minerals heated to extreme temperatures combine and form small glass beads, which are scattered like crumbs across the lunar landscape.

Now here comes the impressive part: these glass spheres can store an enormous amount of water! The collected samples revealed that they could contain up to 330 billion tons of water across the Moon's surface. Yes, you heard it right, billions of tons of water!

But how does the water get trapped inside these spheres? Well, lunar soil contains oxygen, which means that the glass beads also contain this element. When they are struck by hydrogen atoms from the solar wind, the oxygen reacts and forms water, which gets trapped within the silicate capsules. Over time, some of these spheres become buried under lunar dust and retain the water inside them.

And there's more! At the right temperatures, some of these spheres release water into the Moon's atmosphere and onto its surface, acting as a natural reservoir. This means that these spheres could be an essential source of water for future lunar bases. Just imagine, using water from the Moon to fuel space missions and even for the survival of astronauts on future expeditions!

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