Forge Your Own Path Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Forge Your Own Path Energy Vlog Title is from the Starseed Oracle card we first pulled today, which is July 29, 2023. This date adds to 34 or #7 the Chariot card swift movement toward your path which syncs with the Forage Don't follow card.
The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us two amplitude for today. The first was an amplitude power of 72 at 6.:25 thus we have the lessons of Death transforming the Hermit to transcend his ego. Our next amplitude was a power of 30 at 10:15, thus we have the Chariot swiftly taking the Empress toward her divine path. The Quality was at a power of 13.10, thus we have #14 the Temperance card or the Hierophant card we will go with Temperance that we may be balanced in our approach. The Frequency average was 7.88 Hertz, thus we have 23 the Hierophant card not 33 my bad. A spiritual message was dielivered with the starseed cards. Taking this all in we have The Chariot swiftly moving the Hermit through temperance toward the Hierophant to give him wise cousil for his sermon.
Space Weather News site showed us a Class M CME shooting off ninety degrees away from us on the incoming limb. The Solar density was up to ten protons per whatever. The solar wind speed was at 400 Kilometers per sec (KPS). the solar wind temperature was at 90,000 Kelvin today The KP index of geomagnetic activity was in the green zone all day.

We pulled two Starseed Oracle cards today the first as we said earlier was the Forge don't Follow card, telling you to forge your own path. Bethe Leader you need. The second was the Lifting the Veil card, Question everything. Anything unaligned must go.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure Site:
Space Weather news site:

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