#War ~Speaking with Power - Dragon Fire~

1 year ago

When you are given a path that is a giant leap of transformation that there is a legitimate question of the accuracy of this phenomena. The Sun does not skip a day or turn left in its orbit without notice or logic. In this way all things are given their space and time for change. When there is a major change it comes with surety and careful transformation. The universe and galaxies are patient in their process. Truth is very slow in bringing to you these changes that you call for. The change that is now in your world has been ages and eons in development. The transitions now will also be slow as it has been managed for these eons to carefully give to you the awareness of your new skills in creation.

Those who offer the energy of religion, as has been the case for thousands of years, offer from these perspective that is defined as truth, rather than as lived as truth. The mystical and transcendent aspects of believe are accounted, as there is no lasting value in this method of perception or cognition. It is through sentience and intrinsic consciousness that there is a greater desire to find Oneness with the beingness of that which has achieved higher vibratory awareness that there is complete fulfillment of the nature of Universal principles.

The level of intelligence of the mind that is receiving thoughts will only be able to achieve a level of awareness that is the limit of the dimension that it is on. In a being who has been involved within a dualized fourth dimensional structure,and it's inherent polarities, there can only be of movement on the level of knowledge that there is a transient beingness that is beyond the present chaos and confusion of discordant beliefs and transitory experience. In this measure of reality the variety is literally endless, as the owners of the thoughts are in polarity and or dualized to such an extent that they are not bonded. They are seeking completion through the aggression or desire or further applications of the will to power over nature and it's subsequent parts.

This is the fourth dimensioal elemental soup, that is the quantum nature, that is when it is expressing itself in a multiple and infinite polarities of existence. They are unable to differentiate truth of being as a perspective, as they are fractionalized and become more and more individualized and undefinable. Hence the desire to define, categorize, label and partition from each other creates a continuous feeling where the whole system becomes overwhelmed, discordant and disproportionate to the constituent parts. Once the fifth dimensional quality of oneness is first actualized and there is a movement in the field of oneness, the fourth dimensional characteristics of chaotic unattached confusion become unattainable. The whole attitude of differences becomes awash in realizations of unification through the blending of beings into a central energy following the stream of creation.

In beginning, to realize the enormity of the new layer of unfounded consciousness is to look upon the metaphor of the ocean, and to see that it is the medium that has continuity, that upon land it appears that everything is separate, individualized particles. Yet, in the Ocean there are millions and billions of waves that are undulating, cresting, and falling between each other in a dancing, flowing, synthesized holonomic unity. And than, when found again in the movement into the atmosphere and eventually into rarefied space between the stars there is a constant increase in scalability of being to become a carrier of time and a holder of space.

The energy that flows within these systems is the energy of consciousness, or the fire of light. All things considered, you are the being, or the spark of this Divine, and you are the fire of light. Breathe in and breath out, and know it is through this constant rhythm of being that there is fullness.

The compression of time is not what is been experienced, as it is the extension of consciousness. It is through the method of opening up to the higher mind that you will begin to find the lessons of being to become easier and satisfy through the willingness to know and become the expansion of the stream of Truth.

Energies that have been manifest that are in conflict with the focus stream of Truth and it's intent will be moved aside. The being that you are is becoming empowered to open the throat chakra and speak in a manner that is fully concentrated into a single beam of light. The single beam, the central strand, the middle way, the light at the end of the tunnel are all the avenues of the soul to the point of light that brings about the seed manifestation. The energies of the circles that are centered into the gravitational point, and held by an individual heart, open the aperture of manifestation, so that in-flow and out-flow of being can be raised to another level.

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