Do you know what is the thief in the night in Matthew 24.

1 year ago

The believer does not fear this swift and sudden judgment; the "thief in the night" will not catch us by surprise.
It is only those in darkness who will be taken unawares, and we "are all children of the light and children of the day.
We do not belong to the night or to the darkness" (verse 5).
When Jesus returns, it will be as a thief in the night, but what does it mean?
Jesus Christ's second coming is compared to a robber breaking into a house at night.
Jesus mentions His second coming at the conclusion of the tribulation in Matthew 24.
How will the second coming resemble a nighttime thief?
The main point of Jesus' parallel is that no one will be able to predict His return date.
Jesus will startle the world of unbelievers when He arrives in judgement, much as a robber surprises a home.
Then, before they realise it, the Day of Judgement will arrive.
The believer has no need to worry about this quick and unexpected judgement; the "thief in the night" won't catch them off guard.
We "are children of the light and children of the day," and only those who are in the dark will be caught off guard.
We are neither of the night or of the darkness,.

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