TOUGHFEST Highlight Reel | Stay Dangerous

1 year ago

Thank you to everyone who participated in TOUGHFEST 2023. Burn the gas and we will see you next year.

Here's some totals statistics from the event:

42,000 Meals were packed with MTN OPS in the Conquer Hunger Volunteer Event For the Gallatin Valley Food Bank.

40 people carried water up Mt. Baldy:
= 417 lbs of water
= 80000 ft of climbing
= 80000 descent
= 168 miles total hiked

23 Teams of 3 people = 69 people completed workout:

= 138 miles RAN (2.0 miles per athlete)

= 23,000 feet on Versa Climber

= 6,900 yards pulled/pushed with Rope Sled (200 lbs for Males/110 lbs for Females)

= 2,300 Squat Thrusters (Males: 30s, Females: 20s)

= 2,300 Burpees

= 34,500 meters on the Ski Erg

= 4,600 Sandbag Step Ups (Males: 80 lbs, Females: 40 lbs)

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