NT Framework 12: Christ for YHWH Substitutions/Deity of Christ

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SBC Family Near and Far,

Three things!

First, some of you may have seen via social media that I had a book published. I wanted to be the first to tell you, but one of my pastor friends put it out there! It's available in Kindle and Paperback format. If you want to buy one, that's fine, but I'll also have more than enough available to give you one for free. Y'all support us, and it's the least we can do to give you all a book as a tiny token of our thanks. I'll have the books in a few weeks.


Second, be praying for the Outreach Event on August 20th. If you are inviting someone(s) I'd love to hear from you a little bit about the people you are inviting. That will help me get background so I can formulate the kind of message that may appeal to the people you invite. The easiest way is to send me an email with this information because I can't remember everything if you tell me. So, I'd love to get an email from you. It will help me!

Third, tomorrow we will look at the deity of Christ. The deity of Christ is shown many, many different ways in Scripture. Honestly, there are times when I've noted in Bible class that it's on almost on every page of the Bible. I'm just going to show three ways. Christ for YHWH name substitutions, Christ for YHWH function substitutions, and deity of Christ verses/passages. This is important for many reasons, one of which is that if Jesus is not the infinite God, then how is His sacrifice of infinite value to pay for the sins of the whole world? Logically, if Jesus is a finite god (as part of polytheism) or simply a human, then his sacrifice would only be able to pay for one other person.

See the attached outline.

Yours in Christ,



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