How to Delete Desktop Icons or Files with TOO long file names - Windows 10

1 year ago

How to Remove or Delete Desktop Icons or Files with TOO long file names,
How to Rename Corrupted Long File Name Shortcuts:

1. Seach for Command Prompt in Windows search box

Open Command Prompt (in administrator mode by right clicking)

2. Enter path of file or shortcut to delete


3. List directory and locate item to delete

C:\Users\dmerc\Deskto> dir

4. Enter delete command

C:\Users\dmerc\Desktop> del "\\?\c:\Users\dmerc\Desktop\very long file name"

Example Delete: (too long URL) below:
C:\Users\dmerc\Desktop> del "\\?\c:\Users\dmerc\Desktop\(2) MSNBC on Twitter- -Fmr. FBI Dir. Comey- -I have long since given up trying to explain what Republicans in Congress are thinking and how they reconcile this with anything they used to claim were their principles.- - Twitter.url"

Press Enter

5. If that doesn't work use the short file name
Use Dir /X to find the short file name or just take the first 4 letters,
then add the extension whatever it is.
C:\Users\dmerc\Desktop> del "\\?\c:\Users\dmerc\Desktop\Yahoo*.URL"

That should do it.
Note, the deleted item will not show up in the Windows trash but the file or icon will be gone.

Note: You can also use the REN command instead of DEL to rename the long file name to something shorter if you want to keep the file. Example:
C:\Users\dmerc\Desktop> ren "\\?\c:\Users\dmerc\Desktop\Yahoo*.URL" "Test.URL"

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