Occupation of Cantigny Sector (Picardy), April-June, 1918, 1st Division

1 year ago

Reel 1 shows Allied defenses on the Montdidier front and rubbled buildings in Villers-Tournelle and Noyers-St. Martin. Bodies are dug from the rubble. Shows dead U.S. and German soldiers in the streets of Cantigny and demolished and abandoned enemy equipment. Machine guns are set up north of Villers-Tournelle and dugouts are erected. Reel 2, 2nd Field Signal Bn. troops eat near Maron. Prisoners are escorted to the rear near Cantigny, searched, and inspected by Gens. Pershing and R.L. Bullard. 1st Div. troops draw rations at Maron. 26th Inf. units arrive and entrain for the front. Mules of the 2nd Field Signal Bn. are loaded. Clothing is deloused at Bonvillers. Captured equipment is examined. Gen. B.B. Buck confers with aides at Froissy. Reel 3, 16th Inf. troops are decorated. 18th Inf. troops are buried at Bonvillers. 5th F.A. units fire 155's at Rocquencourt. 6th F.A. troops fire French 75's at Coullemelle. Shows ammunition dumps at Tartigny.

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