7/29/2023 Deju Vu = Is America a Submissive Colony Again?

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American J6 patriots are still being held in deplorable prison conditions, absent speedy trials for over two and a half years, unable to defend themselves against “Trumped “up charges. This same despot government is now throwing the legal book at a former president for daring to question their sovereignty.
This while they give one of their own, a former deep state VP’s son, a get out of jail card. BJ Makes the case that we have gone back to the future and are once again a colony controlled by a single foreign entity located in the territory known as the District of Columbia. A sovereign nation that now rules with an iron hand over what was once 13 but now 50 colonies having stood by and had our constitution, statues and sacred commandments all torn down.

So is it hopeless now, too far gone to restore or is this an opportunity? Are we living in "those days"? BJ and Mr. Anderson talk with local colonists who are making a difference and chipping away at the moral insanity that is driving today's siege on righteousness , common sense and our heritage.

"Christian talk radio with a sting

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