Python for Beginners: Restaurant Chooser

10 months ago

I have taken some basic Python coding that I learned this week to make an app to help when choosing a restaurant with friends or your significant other. I would like to share it with you here so that it may be helpful to new learners or anyone who may be able to make use of it. The video will cover:

-import random and time
-using triple quotes to give more spacing in the directions and improve legibility
--adding some emojis from emojipedia for fun
creating a variable to capture input of the user restaurant choices
-creating a variable to split the string from the list of restaurants given by the user
-creating a final variable to give a random output from the restaurant list
-creating a small time lapse to make it seem like the computer is thinking
-printing the result of the computer chosen restaurant with choice in ALL CAPS in string concatenation


End Video Music:
Somewhere In The Mountains
Oleksii Abramovych

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