A Rogue's Life by Wilkie Collins - Audiobook

1 year ago

A Rogue's Life by Wilkie Collins.
Read in English by Ben Adams; John Trevithick; Peter John Keeble; Anna Simon; Reeses118; James K. White; Lynne Thompson; ToddHW; Jothi Tharavant.
"The story offers the faithful reflection of a very happy time in my past life. It was written at Paris, when I had Charles Dickens for a near neighbor and a daily companion, and when my leisure hours were joyously passed with many other friends, all associated with literature and art, of whom the admirable comedian, Regnier, is now the only survivor. The revising of these pages has been to me a melancholy task. I can only hope that they may cheer the sad moments of others. The Rogue may surely claim two merits, at least, in the eyes of the new generation—he is never serious for two moments together; and he "doesn't take long to read." W. C." - Summary by from the Introductory Words

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