True Religion: Alex Clark’s Spillover Guest Tortorich Comments harshly Against Religion

11 months ago

Please keep in mind that I keep Alex Clark and her spillover show in the highest regard and probably she just didn’t know what to say in that moment. But I do want to review what her guest said, and bring up the alarm of the issue it raises.

While interviewing nutritionist and dietitian Mr. Tortorich from Hollywood about veganism, how bad it is for us, and it’s origins, he made the offhand comment that anyone who has a religious, spiritual, supernatural experience should be thrown in the insane asylum, and essentially says that the key should be thrown away.

He details that veganism began with the Seventh Day Adventist cult, and I do touch on the SDA cult in this video to counter what he said. His main issue is veganism, and he views religion essentially has bad, because he thinks that religion is because of veganism in America. That viewpoint is tolerable, but what is not tolerable is saying that people who have had a spiritual experience should be deemed crazy on the spot and thrown into confinement or locked pit of society. Most people in the world have had at least one spiritual experience in their life.

I was shocked by this crassly anti-religious, even anti-Christian tyrannical statement, spoken in such a blasé manner, and that there was no pushback or contrary view or statement from Clark - from the heart of the Maga Movement. MAGA is largely a Judeo-Christian movement of faithful people. If Mr., Tortorich got his way, A huge percentage of society would be thrown into confinement so that they would need to make camps to fit us all. Oh wait….

In this current tumultuous time where the left want to throw large proportions of society on the right into camps or into jails for various reasons, such open statements that large subsets of the population should get thrown somewhere are certainly concerning, and I don’t think it belongs in the Maga movement. I don’t think we can tolerate such a viewpoint that people who claim religious experience, which is a majority of people, should simply be confined in mI don’t think we can tolerate such a stated viewpoint that people who claim religious experience, which is a majority of people, should simply be confined in mental institutions. Mr. Tortorich was called on stage to the spill over to talk about veganism, not to share his tyrannical views against religious people. He claims that he has nothing against religious people, but then he also says in the same discussion that he thinks anyone who has a religious experience should be thrown in the asylum. What shocked me was that there was no pushback from Alex Clark and that might’ve been because of not knowing what to do, I’m not alleging that she agrees with him, but there should have been a push back against what he said, because the Maga movement is largely a religious and spiritual group of people.

I think that this belies or reveals that there is a wider.lIn this current tumultuous time where the left want to throw large proportions of society on the right into camps or into jails, for various reasons, open statements that large subsets of the population should get thrown somewhere or certainly concerning, and I don’t think it belongs in the Maga movement. I think that this belies or reveals that there is a wider Scattering and decay in the Maga movement, widespread as those with scattering and decay in the Maga movement, widespread as some very non-Maga viewpoints crop up in surprising places. I am not alleging that Alex Clark agrees with her guest, but I was deeply concerned that nothing was said to counter his statement… And that lack of a counter could at least appear to imply agreement or nonchalance.

If we are nonchalant about people in Hollywood openly calling for Certain people of faith to be thrown away out of society, then the lack of concern itself is a deeply scary problem. If we don’t care that people on the left, want to throw religious people in jail, essentially, then I would say there’s a huge problem going on in Maga of people who irrationally just don’t care about serious and important issues. Men and women should care.

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