Michael Love interviews Rich Ryan Part 2 of 6 (05/08/18)

1 year ago

Michael Love - "Surviving the Apocalypse" Podcast Interview with Rich Ryan

The Elites & the Satanic Cult
Why the Elites are Obsessed with Bloodlines
The Role of Genetics in Brainwashing
The System of Control
Chemtrails etc
Humanity Must Start Meditating
Find Your Own Answers
Hero Worship in Religion and Spirituality
Demons and Lower Astral Entity Possession is Nonsense
Tier 1 & Tier 2 Elites
Implanting Subconscious Triggers and Creating Multiple Personalities
Efforts to Stop Abuse of Children - ITCCS.org
Implanted Subconscious Triggers
The Royal Blood Sacrament
Can a Person be controlled like a Puppet?
The Soul Connection
Down the Rabbit Hole
The Human Ant Farm
We're Reaping What We've Sown
Humans can become Almost Unstoppable
Different Philosophies of Control
Who are the Annunaki (The Elites think they're Demons)
Everything is a Deception
Each Layer in the Pyramid of Control is based on a Lie
Creating the Grand Fantasy
Why did the Annunaki choose to create a Satanic Cult?


Jonah West Art - Babaji's Cave image
(used with written permission)

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