Mankind's Greatest Achievement... a White Lie? ft. the Tin Foil Hat Club | Strong By Design Ep 295

1 year ago

NOT your typical Strong By Design podcast episode.

Do you ever question the world as you see it? Have you ever been skeptical about past events that are widely considered fact? Conspiracy theories have been circulating for decades about the big and small things in life.

Today on the show we feature for the very first-time videographer Stephen Ohocinski and marketing specialist Jessie Decille from team Critical Bench. Hosting today are Mike Westerday and Jared Haley. It’s time to get ready to re-think reality and have your minds blown!

“We tried to get to the moon, we realized we couldn’t, we have made that promise to the world, and a move to try to unify and have that triumphant victory, we put the plan in motion. I believed the astronauts went into orbit but they didn’t go to the moon... After all the things that I’ve seen, there’s no way that occurred. - Stephen Ohocinski


#conspiracytheories #tinfoilhatclub #whitelies #rabbithole #mandelaeffect #timetravellingtrump #barrontrump #barrontrumptimetravel #moonlanding #apollo11 #neilarmstrong #spacerace #moonlandingconspiracytheories #strongbydesignpodcast #criticalbench

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