A true story about the disastrous consequences of the COVID vaccine mandate

1 year ago

7/27/2023 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene read an email from a constituent, in which the constituent shared her story about the disastrous consequences of the COVID vaccine mandate. After being forced to take the Pfizer COVID vaccine, she went from being a charge nurse running the floor and being on a code team to a person who cannot remember how to take a shower, walks like a drunkard, and slurs her words. This has taken such a toll on her family as well.
#COVIDvaccine #COVIDvaccinedisaster
7/27/2023 玛乔丽·泰勒·格林议员念了一位选民发来的电子邮件,揭示了疫苗强制令的灾难性后果!这位选民曾是一名急救队的主管护士,但自从被强制打了辉瑞的新冠疫苗后,她变成了一个不记得如何淋浴的人,她走起路来像喝醉了酒,而且说话吐字不清,这对她的家庭造成了巨大伤害!
#新冠疫苗 #疫苗灾难

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