🔥Holy Spirit wants you to watch this 💕Message from God for me today💕

11 months ago

🔥Holy Spirit wants you to watch this 💕Message from God for me today💕
#prayer #jesuschrist #messagefromgod #psalms

Who is the Holy Spirit? This is a question that many ask when reading the Bible. In it, we find the answer that reveals that we are children of God and that we are led by His Holy Spirit. This divine presence is one of the greatest gifts that God offers to every person, dwelling in their hearts when they receive Jesus with true faith.

However, some people have been taught erroneously, believing that the Holy Spirit no longer dwells in people as He did before, or that He no longer performs powerful works as He did in the days of the apostles. But when we are unaware of the blessing and the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit, we exclude ourselves from numerous possibilities that were meant to be ours. The Bible teaches us that God places His seal upon all who believe, as proof of His ownership over us, as a down payment for our salvation, and a certainty of our heavenly inheritance.

Dear friends, regardless of who you are, where you are, or where you have read these words, I want you to understand something special: within each of you, there is the gift of eternity. The Spirit of the Almighty desires for you not to feel abandoned in this world but to know that He is present in your lives. God has not left us here to face challenges alone; He calls us to deep communion with Him.

Paul, one of the great apostles, prayed that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit would always be with us. This means that the Holy Spirit is here to help us, guide us, and comfort us in every situation. He wants us to become everything that God dreams for us to be.

The Holy Spirit wants to speak to you today, dear friends. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would speak His words to us, conveying to us the wisdom and love of Christ. Amidst the many voices and influences around us, it is essential to listen to the voice that truly matters. It is time to heed the voice of the Holy Spirit.

If you agree with this message of faith and hope, type "Amen" in the comments. I also invite you to subscribe to this channel, where you can receive blessings and words of inspiration daily.

May today be a blessed day for all of us!

Channel post frequencies, Tuesday and Thursday always at 19:03 pm.

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