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GiveLife10 Review, Russia, Reconsider

1 year ago

Review of the first 10 episodes of "GiveLife" - 59 min.
Discussion of prayer, our relationship with our Creator,
ancient history, the Bible, and some prophecy.

0:02 - Every atom is over 99.999% empty
0:02 - Our "reality" is an electrical simulation or "hologram"
0:03 - "GiveLife" as Jesus said, "It is better to give..."
0:04 - Every religion has reasons for surviving down thru time
0:07 - A prayer for you, the viewers
0:09 - In the Old Testament they hated the real prophets
0:09 - B-I-B-L-E: "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth"
0:10 - They even wanted to kill the real prophets of God
0:11 - Books of the Bible discussed
0:12 - Has human nature changed since the Old Testament?

0:15 - Jesus said to not follow the broad path, but to ...
0:15 - follow the narrow path, that leads to life, few find it
0:19 - During Bush Presidency, Russia bombed Chechnya
0:20 - During Obama Presidency, Russia took Ukraine's Crimea
0:22 - Do you understand world events and history by logic ...
or by the loudest voices and the "broad path"?
0:23 - pray for wisdom and for protection from deceptions
0:24 - In the Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve followed a deception
0:24 - Adam, very "manly" blamed God and Eve for his actions
0:25 - Believing and acting on deceptions - will be judged!

0:25 - For 25-30 years they believed a new Ice Age was coming
0:27 - If you are an instrument, if you ACT on DECEPTIONS ...
0:27 - ... then expect to lose; expect to be judged harshly!
0:27 - Abraham Lincoln, "Slavery is wrong." an abolitionist
0:28 - Sometime, please read Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address
0:29 - What do you think of Rush Limbaugh? Good or bad?
0:30 - Rush Limbaugh usually had 20+ million listeners
0:30 - Episode #1 - "Introduction to GiveLife"
0:33 - "666" has 2 Old Testament references/clues:
0:33 - "666" - I Kings 10:14 & II Chronicles 9:13

0:35 - "Black Wisdom Matters"
0:35 - LTB24 - "Learn the Bible in 24 Hours"
0:36 - "Dinosaurs and the Bible" by Dr. Kent Hovind
0:37 - Episode #2 - "Movies"
0:38 - Episode #3 "Prayer" - The spiritual is most important
0:38 - This time on Earth is actually preparation for life
0:39 - Focusing on making lots of money is not wise
0:41 - Episode #4 "Seeking Balance" in nutrition also
0:41 - Vitamins & minerals can be helpful
0:42 - Toxins are in every breath you take

0:43 - Consider getting a passport; they last 10 years
0:45 - If you don't get enough iodine your IQ goes down
0:47 - Episode #5 "$20 Prepper" - buy extra WATER, please!
0:47 - You need to survive for 3-4 days, before help comes
0:49 - Episode #6 "Poor Man's EDC"
0:49 - Episode #7 "Computer Security"
0:51 - If you do computer security buy "2600 Magazine"
0:51 - Episode #8 "Personal Finances" for low budgets

0:52 - Also, travel; "Lonely Planet" travel guides
0:52 - Episode #9 "Prayer II"
0:52 - Episode #9 discusses prayer and Christian doctrines
0:53 - Fear God not men; Matthew 10:28
0:53 - We are chasing illusions and being manipulated
0:55 - Pray for me sometimes, please
0:56 - www.creationism.org & www.paulzilla.org


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