"The Seven Team Steps To Building A Business Course" G

11 months ago

"The Seven Team Steps To Building A Business Course" STEP 5. TIPS FOR SUCCESS G

The Key - Consistency: You can do this business part time or full time but you can not do it sometime.

Be Accountable and Track your Activities:

Talk to one new person every day inviting them to attend a meeting with you.

Follow up with at least three people in the Process every day.

Keep track of where people are in the Process and follow up within two days on each step so they know you are serious about them and your business.

Every Independent Business Owner (IBO) needs a solid business plan that charts a clear course for the first year, projects the vision of their business five years into the future, and states their dates to achieve Ranks: Contributor, Difference Maker, Life Changer, and Solution.

Always be prepared: Know your One Minute Commercial and have your business cards too.

Don’t try to push a rope: You can’t do it for someone and you can’t make them do it. Don’t expect others to live up to your expectations, they have their own goals. Work with people who are ready to go now. Actions are louder than words, you will know who is ready by what they are doing.

Lead by example: If you sit back and manage your group, they will do the same thing.

Don’t tell people you’ll do it for them. If you do it for them, you will deny them the personal and emotional growth of building an organization and you will be creating a cripple. This is not duplicatable.

Taking action eliminates all doubt: Don’t go slow. You have 90 days to get a new IBO some measurable success or you may lose them.

Personal goals: In addition to the goals mentioned, make a few personal goals that really motivate you. The harder you work, the luckier you will get. Focus on mentoring others and excite their motivation too

Have a long term perspective. It takes a while to build up your residual income base, but once it starts coming in, there is nothing in the world like it.

To enjoy big success you must believe in and are excited about your opportunity, product, and service. A good question to ask yourself is, “Would I benefit from this product and service regardless of the opportunity?”

Appreciate every, “No thank you”. Remember for every few No’s there is going to be a, “Yes”. Therefore, every time you get a No it means the Yes is getting closer. You are looking for people that are looking for you. You are the messenger not the message.

Be coachable. Everyone goes through a learning curve during training. Us the system: Know our Product and Service, the Comp Plan, Team Steps and the Process.

The phone is your best friend. You can’t say the right thing to the wrong person, you can’t say the wrong thing to the right person. Master this and you will never experience rejection. Master the phone and you will make a fortune.

Networking is not for everyone, yet, we all do it on a small or large scale. Don’t try to talk people into the business because you will have to talk them into working the business. Members will benefit from service and discounts, let them enjoy that. You can’t drag them across the business finish line. Invite and excite is a phrase that i use repeatedly to keep members engaged.

As you have success, realize that you are not the only person responsible for your success. Be grateful and help others achieve the same success you now enjoy. Replicate the positive outcomes and view the negative ones as valuable lessons learned content. I always ask people to share my information with others if it is something that they are not interested in directly or at the time we are meeting.

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