Allah Prays - Sura 33:56 #quran #allah #muhammad

11 months ago

Quran 33:56 (Palmer) - Verily, God and His angels pray for the prophet. ye who believe! pray for him and salute him with a salutation!

"The same word is used as is rendered 'pray' in all the other passages in the Qurʼân, though the commentators interpret it here as meaning 'bless.' So, too, in the formula which is always used after Mohammed’s name, zalla ʼllâhu ʿalâihi wa sallam, 'may God bless and preserve him!' is literally, 'may God pray for him and salute him!'"
-Sacred Books of the East Chapter of the Confederates

Allah and his angels pray for the prophet according to al-Quran sura (chapter) 33:56.

O abduls, to whom does your allah pray to?

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