Latest Research: What You Should Add to Your Coffee for Longevity

11 months ago

Time once again for a study looking into coffee and a healthy lifestyle, a slight twist this time in that it shows the benefit of adding one extra ingredient.
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Now, a new study proposes that adding a dash of milk that contains protein can boost the health benefits of your cup of coffee. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark examined how antioxidants called polyphenols interacted with amino acids, they are the building blocks of proteins, and found that combining them has twice the effect on fighting cellular inflammation as polyphenols alone. Polyphenols can be found in many foods, including coffee and tea, fruits, vegetables, red wine, and thankfully even beer. Like other antioxidants, past studies have shown that some polyphenols can prevent and slow the oxidation of healthy chemicals and protect our bodies from disease. Polyphenols are thought to do this in part by controlling inflammation, a complex immune response involving cells called macrophages that release several inflammatory mediators. Inflammation helps protect against us infection, but if it isn't controlled properly, it can lead to diseases like type 2 Diabetes, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's. Caffeic Acid (CA) and Chlorogenic Acid (CGA) are polyphenols that are well known to have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. But the researchers wanted to find out if the reactions that these polyphenols have, with other chemicals, can further affect immune regulation. Adducts are products that are made when two or more molecules come together. In this case, the amino acid Cysteine (Cys) that is found in milk products was combined with the Caffeic Acid (CA) and Chlorogenic Acid (GCA), both found in coffee, they were combined to make the adducts CA–Cys and CGA–Cys. To support this research, the authors positively showed, in a previous study, that polyphenols do bind to proteins in coffee that has had milk added to it.
Professor Marianne Nissen Lund from the University of Copenhagen and co-author of both studies I have referenced said "Our result demonstrates that the reaction between polyphenols and proteins also happens in some of the coffee drinks with milk that we studied. In fact, the reaction happens so quickly that it has been difficult to avoid in any of the foods that we've studied so far."
In this study, the researchers used RNA-sequencing to study the immune-regulating effects of CA–Cys and CGA–Cys in macrophage cells subjected to artificial inflammation.
#coffee #caffiene #Decaf

#RenueByScience #DoNotAge #ProHealthLongevity #YouthandEarth #ProHealth

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