11 months ago

Trevor Gooden (Dean Winters) survives a car accident that apparently killed his wife Kirsty Cotton-Gooden (Ashley Laurence) when their car plunged off a bridge into the river below. Trevor manages to escape with his life, but even though police divers find both car doors open there is no sign of Kirsty.

One month later, Trevor wakes up in a hospital and realizes that his wife is missing, but because of a head injury his memory is uncertain and he cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality. Trevor finds himself the prime suspect in a murder case, and has numerous encounters with homicide detectives Givens and Lange, though the two detectives never appear to be together at the same place. Many strange events befall him, including experiencing various hallucinations and several important events turning out to be just figments of Trevor's imagination. Trevor also witnesses his friend Dean (Trevor White) commit suicide.

Eventually, Trevor is summoned to the police station and taken to the basement by Detective Lange in order to identify a body. There it is revealed that Givens and Lange are actually a single monstrous creature with 2 different heads. Trevor runs away from them and enters a morgue. Just as he is about to uncover a dead body on an operating table, the Cenobite Pinhead (Doug Bradley) appears and reveals the truth to Trevor. In reality, Kirsty is in fact still alive. Trevor cheated on his wife with many other women and tried to get rid of Kirsty by making her reopen the Lament Configuration. She did, but before being taken away forever she made one last deal with Pinhead: she offered to give him five souls in exchange for hers. She killed three of Trevor's mistresses and his friend Bret, who was conspiring to kill her for her fortune.

Trevor is in shock by the revelation and takes the covers off the body on the operating table, believing it to be Kirsty. The person on the table is not Kirsty, but is in fact him. He is the fifth soul and this entire time he has been in Hell living in limbo. Trying to rediscover his past and piece his life back together was his punishment for his disloyalty to his wife and his inability to accept who he truly was. It seems that she has pinned all of the murders on Trevor and shot Trevor through the head while he was driving, leading him to crash the car into the river and making his death appear as a suicide. The film ends with Kirsty walking away from the car crash scene with the Lament Configuration in her hand.

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