Facebook Files 2 – the vaccine campaign

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11 months ago

Facebook Files 2 – the vaccine campaign
By Terry A. Hurlbut
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, released more Facebook Files yesterday, on X (formerly Twitter). This time he concentrated mainly on the White House “push” of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. From Facebook he got the suppression of all things anti-vaccine, including humor.
Facebook again does the White House’ bidding
As CNAV said yesterday, Rep. Jordan received many internal documents from Facebook – only after he served them with a subpoena. In fact he held over Facebook the threat of a citation for contempt of Congress if they balk at all.
Yesterday’s revelations were bad enough, but so far, Jordan has addressed only communications within Facebook and with the White House. He has not addressed the secure-access portal the company provided to the three- and four-letter agencies. (That portal is still live, and CNAV loaded it onto the Wayback Machine.) The Intercept brought the portal to light last fall in their piece describing social media as State actors.
CNAV still maintains that Meta (Facebook and Instagram), Alphabet (Google and YouTube), and Spotify (Pinterest, etc.) took part willingly. We shouldn’t think that would hurt the cases of Missouri, Louisiana, Jay Bhattacharya, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and others now suing the government over its campaign of censorship. But neither do we accept any argument by the Tech Giants that they did these things unwillingly. Not when Elon Musk throttled it back considerably and reversed some of Twitter’s worst wrongs to its accountholders. And certainly not so long as Gab, Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon, and other social media companies routinely refuse such orders.
An argument that didn’t work for Lt. Calley at My Lai; an argument that didn’t work for the Nazis at Nuremberg.
Actor Kevin Pollak, as Lt. (jg) Sam Weinberg USN, in A Few Good Men (1992)
Nevertheless, Rep. Jordan is doing the country a great service with the revelations he is now making.
The thread
Herewith his Part Two thread, as the odd numbers:
Reaction to this latest thread mainly consists of fresh outrage at the tearing-open of old wounds.
This tweet also has a linked video explaining how to respond when people tell you,
But [such-a-platform] can censor because they’re a private company.
His seven-minute presentation boils down to this:
1. The persons defending the authority of private companies to censor, have never before defended such companies.
2. A social medium has an implicit contract with its users. Any censorship of said users by them, no matter who ordered it, violates that contract.
3. They are a public accommodation – same as the telephone company. In fact even the telephone company does not refuse telephone service even to makers of abusive calls. Annoyance calls are a matter for the police, and for criminal courts.
4. The government is giving the order; therefore the censorship starts with them.
America First Legal posted a link to a thread of their own, that they dropped a year ago.
But other reaction varies from skepticism – some of it extreme – to the old argument about private companies and their rights. This user made that specific argument:
That argument hasn’t worked, so far, for the defendants in Missouri v. Biden and now Kennedy v. Biden.
This is a scene out of a dystopian movie – if anything, worse than a 1984 adaptation. A President accuses social media platforms of negligent homicide on a grand scale – on the theory that people are reading true information about side effects, and excess deaths, from those vaccines. That includes BBC presenter Lisa Shaw, who took a vaccine, died, and came to autopsy. Final Anatomical Diagnosis: thousands of strokelets, all traceable to the vaccine. Hers came from AstraZenica, which likely works on the same principle as Johnson and Johnson’s preparation.
True information – and the White House, and the CDC, wanted to keep it a secret. The government has no excuse for that. Those vaccines didn’t do anything – except kill or maim. Representative Jordan didn’t even discuss whether that was the real aim of the government. One who did and does have that aim is Bill Gates, who boasted of using vaccines to reduce population in a TED Talk.
(If the TED Company doesn’t like our interpretation, they should take care whom they invite to give Talks under their name.) Not to mention Vice-President Harris making a Freudian – or rather an Orwellian – slip.
The apotheosis of Big Pharma
Even laying aside the depopulation angle, look at the absolute canonization – if not deification – of the inventors of the concept. If you think Karl Marx has a monopoly on indoctrination of impressionable pupils, think again. Our teachers teach children to venerate Saints Edward (Jenner), Jonas (Salk), Albert (Sabin), and Louis (Pasteur, not the Crusader King). Not to mention Sir Gunnar Kasson, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the Iditarod. And Big Pharma are the high priests of this combined order for these four Saints, and the Knight Grand Cross. And they are happy to sell you Indulgences – which is what their drugs are.
No wonder Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a neo-Soviet. He wants to abolish Big Pharma and have medicine an all-government project. After seeing this appalling scientific corruption, CNAV almost cannot blame him. That also is the stuff of movies – even action-packed movies. Witness The Fugitive (dir. Andrew Davis; with Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Andreas Katsulas, and Jeroen Krabbé; Warner Bros., 1993). An academic doctor partners with a Big Pharma firm to test a drug that is not ready for market. A surgeon finds out – and loses his wife, almost goes to execution, and finally confronts, and shames, his colleague.
Facebook has no excuse
But now look at Facebook. Their staff seemed unable to make up their minds whether to honor their implicit contract, or not. CNAV finds that equally inexcusable. Gab didn’t have any such internal debate. When the government came calling like this, Gab told them to go pound sand. They literally had to build their own server farm after host after host kicked them off, but they held firm. Facebook could have done that easily. Why didn’t they? Why didn’t they tell the government they’d take it to the Supreme Court? They’d probably have won, 6-3, if they had.
But even after Missouri v. Biden ends with a permanent injunction, and even after another election brings in a new President – or an old one – to clean house – the problem will remain. Facebook will take over the bullying in their own right, and interfere in our elections, as they’ve likely already done. For that reason, CNAV always shares all written content to Gab, and posts videos to Rumble. CNAV recommends Gab – highly – even though we have no sponsorship agreement with them. Facebook doe not merit this consideration – and they must atone for what they’ve done and still do.
Link to:
The article:

The Facebook takedown portal:
Wayback Machine:

The thread:


Bill Gates’ TED Talk:

Declarations of Truth Twitter feed:

Conservative News and Views:

The CNAV Store:

Clixnet Media

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