UK Column News - Wednesday 12th July 2023.

1 year ago

Presented Today By Mike Robinson, Debi Evans, Alex Thomson with Guest Gevorg Virats.
Duration - 1hr 1mins
UK Column News - 12th July 2023

​​00:27 Gevorg Virats Explains Why Turkey Is No Longer Blocking NATO Expansion
13:15 Ukraine: Cluster Munitions Given Green Light; East Asians View NATO’s ​​ Stoltenberg As World’s “Supreme Fool”
​​​​20:10 What Is ‘Long Vax’?
​​​​28:26 Asylum Seekers’ Unlimited Family Reunification: The Issue That Finally Brought The Dutch Coalition Down
​​​​34:11 Land Grabs On British Soil
​​​​37:40 “Anti-Institutional Extremism”—Dutch Spooks' New Buzzphrase For Scepticism
​​​​41:17 Economy Looks Gloomy, But Everything Is Really Strong And Stable
​​43:18 French Parliament Waves Through Law To Requisition Anyone And Anything French For Anticipated War Effort
​​47:28 The Influence Wargaming Handbook And A Card Game For Grown-Up Soldiers Named PoP!
​​​​53:32 Floating Prisons—Councils Offered £3,500 Per Bed


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