1 year ago

WARNING: The following video contains graphic and disturbing images and video of a severe injustice. Viewer discretion is advised!

In 2002...

1,082 American children died of violent assault.
2,347 American children died in car accidents.
32,867 American children died from disease.


1,310,000 American children died from legal abortion.

1.3 million.

Day after day, week after week, year after year, innocent unborn children are quietly destroyed behind sterile clinic doors, and no one seems to care.

Here ends the apathy of ignorance.
Here begins the responsibility of knowledge.
Prepare yourself.

7week-24 week of Conception: Unborn children

7 Weeks from Conception.
8 Weeks from Conception. 
9 Weeks from Conception. 
10 Weeks from Conception. 
11 Weeks from Conception. 
24 Weeks from Conception.

Children are dying, the world is watching.

What will you do?

The video above shows the "Clump of Cells" people have no issue aborting.

QUESTION: Is it different know that you have a face for the life that your okay with ending?

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