Instead of the Earth being Flat, what if it’s Hollow?

1 year ago

Instead of the Earth being Flat, what if it’s Hollow?
Brooks Agnew - Founder, Agnew Scientific Consulting,

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Our Rumble show with Flat Earth Dave has gotten over 1,200 views; the Return of Planet X? Another great show if not as well viewed. And then we had futurist John Petersen, who warned that enormous changes were coming and we should prepare for a ‘new world.’

A flat world? A world about to be disrupted by Planet X – as Sasha Lessin suggested with his talk, Sitchin’s Godspell. Or perhaps we’re on a HOLLOW world, as Dr. Agnew has uncovered?

Brooks isn’t an armchair dreamer. A multi-patented engineer with more than $500 million in Lean Six Sigma projects, he has saved or created more than ten thousand American jobs in the manufacturing industry. For the last decade, he’s hosted X-Squared Radio, one of the nation’s top talk radio programs, and contracted with Fortune 500 companies to motivate teams to perform better, and happier.

Does Dr. Agnew get blank stares when he spouts conspiracy theories? Is this even a conspiracy theory – when documented (though suppressed) science supports the hollow earth hypothesis, and that it “rings like a bell” when seismic events take place?

Regardless, is it not better to explore reality in an open dialog, especially when it concerns the nature of our reality and the world beneath our feet? We think so. Learn if the Earth’s core is iron or magma, or if it is simply not there, as we – no pun intended – dig a little deeper into the truth.

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