Vested officer Batch Nō 59137 assaults independent reporters, harasses protesters

1 year ago

Canada is the dedicated champion of human rights in every country of the world except for here at home we have no use for them.

Forgive the corse and ignorant language especially apologies for the non-consensual intimacy and graphic imagery of the outraged daughter of a second world war veteran who won against the Nazis.

Seeing that you, Mr. Trudeau, yourself are benefitting like a picture book fascist from the misery and genocide of your peoples whom you have deceived into accepting an untested experimental gene treatment having kind of like the same results as a bio weapon … - I take it you need bullies to defend yourself

Because in your head and conscience you know that you are guilty

But you were confused of this reality you were just experiencing. Seeing that you showed such gross misjudgement, let me explain to you how it works: You are confronted by soldiers of the word on the street.
Don’t panic, they would like to beat you up up, yet they’re waye too rational to do that -, they are questioning you and calling you to accountability so the veterans behind us all in their graves can stop rolling restlessly and get peace from your soiling the sacrifice!

we would like to try you and bring your crimes to a justified prosecution.

Both of the freedom lovers in this clip are 100% pacifist and committed to non-violence.

To physically block their path is the for the (post)colonial regime obvious pasturing In the failed attempt of painting freedom demonstrators as a violent treat to our representatives,

And un-accredited, independent journalism as a snake pit of conspiracy theories -

It’s not working !

even the after last Canadian has just realized by now that there’s nothing much adding up here at all …

You are surrounded by a trove of big men with bulletproof vests why not just stop for five minutes and listen and talk ? Had anybody wanted to violently attack, your big strong guys would’ve jumped in the way of that.

These two folks just wanted to talk to you just wanted to see what you’d have to say to your defence and that is their right and you dismiss them every time very much like a dictator, like a potentat.

Your charade is up ! people have learned a very hard way to see through your puppet moves.

At least you could stop abusing of ignorant and willfairy enforcement units who are so embarrassed about their own behaviour they can’t even identify themselves.

Shame on u Mr CrimeMinister!

Camera, reporting:
DACEYMedia, Ottawa, Canada

Crop, re-upload, commentary:

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