I didn't want to believe that they would inject a bioweapon!

1 year ago

(Edit of the July 28, 2023 interview with Brian Rose, LondonReal.tv. All the LondonReal videos were hosted on Youtube, which deleted them all with the account on Sep 4 2023)
Back with Brian Rose after 3 years on LondonReal TV.
The Full interview was on the uncensored platform: https://londonreal.tv/dr-judy-mikovits-covid-was-premeditated-murder-vaccination-is-not-immunisation-its-extermination/

It was the shot that caused the deaths we're seeing now that Ed Dowd 's reporting that everybody's reporting, they murdered more millennials than the entire 10 year Vietnam War. So I never believed they would create a bio weapon and inject the deadliest spike protein of all time, when every bit of our work for 40 years said you don't need an infectious virus to create disease! Since 1980, we knew the spike, the envelope, the surface unit alone of these viruses was the deadly component. So they cloned the deadly part of the 1918 Spanish flu, the 1918 pandemic strain of influenza A! This was never about SARSCoV2, which had been injected in every polio vaccine since 2005, when it was published. Hear me, on September 25, John Cullen told us it was all about the influenza that was injected,

just as Tony Fauci promised to the American people on 60 minutes, the Sunday before the 2016 election, it was always influenza. 4000 deaths a week starting in January of 20. And all co

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