Dog Whisperer Walks Pack Of Dogs Without A Leash

7 years ago

Meet leader of the pack Augusto Deoliveira, who can walk huge groups of unleashed German Shepherd dogs obediently at his heels. The magical dog trainer, 23, is a web sensation and turns heads wherever he goes - at the head of huge packs of dogs.

Augusto lives in Hyannis, USA, but grew up surrounded by dogs on a farm in Brazil where he discovered he could lead groups of dogs with training. Now he’s wowing Americans as he walks through their towns and cities showing off the amazing feat. Augusto lives, breathes and sleeps with dogs as the head of his firm Griffin Shepherd Kennels. At the training kneels where he lives, he claims to be able to guide up to 15 free-walking dogs at the same time.

Augusto has taken a new feat to the busy streets of the city of Boston, when he walked six dogs, all at his heel and without a leash. He says that it was different for the dogs, to be able to walk in such a noisy and stressful environment they are not used to, plus all those distractions. He starts by walking them all on a leash and removes them one by one over time.

German Shepherds are known for their agility and obedience. Originally bred for herding sheep, today they are the number one working dog, from police and military roles, to disability assistance. Besides being highly intelligent and obedient, they are well known as being very protective of their owners.

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