Weill-Cornell and the Poisoning of Our Unborn Children

11 months ago

Pictured: Weill-Cornell marketing promotions of April 2021 to use poisonous modRNA on pregnant women and their unborn.)

Please be patient, I am going to connect to this very good video by Canadian COVID Care Alliance, but to a culprit/subject that continues to go woefully ignored . . .

We must never forget the culpability of those that continue to SLITHER in the background of the crimes-against-humanity called COVID-19: the slithering of BIG ACADEMIA, most especially the IVY LEAGUE.

In my letter to the Ivy League administrators (presidents, law school and medical college deans), I stated:

"If just one Ivy League University had unmasked the criminal character, purpose, and culprits of the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, that entire scheme would have collapsed; and millions of lives and livelihoods would have been spared . . . This is especially true if it had been my alma mater, Cornell University."

That quote on cover letter Page 11 of 12 here:

My preamble to the 21 April 2023 letter is here:

Now I make the connection . . . to my alma mater Cornell University. Please now go to the following cover letter Page 61 of 92:


Weill-Cornell was FIRST to laud the horrific fact that modRNA poison would pass-through the placenta.

In early 2021, the motivation was their attempt to shore-up a marketing issue . . . in early 2021 many pregnant women were "hesitating" to be poisoned by the Bourla/Pfizer modRNA needles, and there was very loud media coverage.

Weill-Cornell should be viewed as the first and most culpable to encourage the poisoning of our mothers and their unborn; and on the basis of ZERO EVIDENCE to support their not-so-coy promotions:


For the record . . . you can walk from Weill-Cornell Medical College to Pfizer's New York City headquarters. $$$$$


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