The Somme Offensive Operations, September 22 - October 20, 1918, 30th Division

11 months ago

Shows panoramic views of battlefields near Molais and of the towns of Bellicourt, Nauroy, and Rigueval. 30th Div. troops march through Peronne and Molaine. Australian cavalry and artillery occupy Molaine and advance to the front. Shows 14-inch railroad guns manned by Brit. troops. British artillery fires on German positions near Bohain. Australian artillery fires at Bellicourt. 105th Field Signal Bn. troops operate field radios near Villeret. The 117th Inf. digs in at Molaine. Brit. Gen. Haig and aides examine the St. Quentin canal defenses near Bellicourt (part of the Hindenburg Line). German prisoners bring in wounded, who are treated at a Villeret aid station. German prisoners are brought to the rear. Balloons carry U.S. propaganda over enemy lines. 105th Engrs. fill in a bomb crater near Premont. Salvage from the battlefield is unloaded near Montbrehain. Bellicourt is bombarded by German guns. 30th Div. burial parties search for the dead. Troops of the 119th Inf. and the 105th Field Signal Bn. return to Perrone bound for rest camps.

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