Birth Certificate/ Certificate of Live Birth comparison

11 months ago

Starting at the top left corner of these bonds as they were issued in the late 1940s early 1959s> Form V.S. No. 2-A Rev. 1-56 Federal Security Agency Public Health Service National Office of Vital Statistics
Commonwealth of Kentucky Division of VCital Statistics Certificate of Live Birth File No. 116_______________ Registration Distric No.___ Primary Registration District No,_________
!.aPlace of birth County______ b. City or Town (if outside city limits, write RURAL and give Township)__________ 2 Usual Residence of or town____d. street address__Is residence on a FARM__YES NO iS RESIDENCE INSIDE CITY LIMITS YES NO 3 Childs Name a First b Middle c Last 4. sex 5a.single, twin triplet 5b. if Twin or Triplet 1st, 2nd, 3rd. 6. Date of birth mm/dd/year hour minute Father of Child 7. Full Name a.First b.middle c. last 8 color 9 Age years 10 . Birthplace (state or foreign country) 11a.Usual occupation 11b. Kind of Business or industry
Mother of Child 12 Full Maiden Name a. First b. middle c.last 13 Color 14 Age 15 birthplace (state or foreign country) 16 Children previously born to this mother (not including this child) a. How many other children are still living b.How many OTHER children were born alive but are now dead c. How many children were stillborn (born dead after 20 weeks of pregnancy) 17 INFORMANT 18a attendant at birth MD DO Midwife Other 18 b signature 18 c address 18d Date Signed 19 Date Rec'd by Local Registrar 20 Registrars Signature 21 Date on Which Given Name Added by Registrar

Federal Security Agency
The Federal Security Agency was an independent agency of the United States government established in 1939 pursuant to the Reorganization Act of 1939.
July 01, 1939
April 11, 1953 (1953-04-11)
Superseding agency:
United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

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