Old-Fashioned Hand Churned Ice Cream Making | Traditional Hand Churned Kulfi | Dil_seart

11 months ago

Old-Fashioned Hand Churned Ice Cream Making | Traditional Hand Churned Kulfi | Dil_seart

Kulfi is a popular frozen dessert from the Indian subcontinent that is similar to ice cream but has a richer, creamier texture and a more intense flavor. While it is now widely available in pre-packaged form, traditionally kulfi was made by hand using a special technique that involved slow cooking and churning to achieve the desired texture.

To make traditional hand-churned kulfi, you will need the following ingredients:

1 liter full-fat milk
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
1/2 cup finely chopped nuts (such as almonds, pistachios, or cashews)
A pinch of saffron threads
Kulfi molds or small paper cups

In a heavy-bottomed pan, heat the milk over medium-low heat, stirring constantly to prevent it from scorching on the bottom of the pan. Cook the milk until it reduces to about half its original volume, stirring occasionally to prevent a skin from forming on the surface.

Once the milk has reduced, add the sugar, cardamom powder, and saffron threads. Stir well to combine, and continue to cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves completely and the mixture thickens further.

Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool to room temperature. Once cooled, add the chopped nuts and mix well.

Pour the kulfi mixture into small kulfi molds or paper cups. If using paper cups, cover each cup with a small piece of aluminum foil to prevent ice crystals from forming on the surface.

Place the molds or cups in the freezer and freeze for at least 4-6 hours, or until completely set.

To serve, remove the kulfi from the molds or cups by dipping them in warm water for a few seconds. Gently slide the kulfi out of the mold or cup and onto a plate.

Traditional hand-churned kulfi is a delicious dessert that is perfect for hot summer days or as a sweet treat after a spicy meal. Enjoy!

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