UFC Fighter Wants to Fight Me in Target #target #ufc #devil #God

10 months ago

Personal Notes

Recognizing spiritual warfare: Satan's favorite schemes include fatigue, anxiety, stress, temptation, fear, despair, lies, and revenge

It is important to recognize when you are in a spiritual battle and to guard your heart against the iniquity of sin

The devil's tactics: Satan's strategies include telling us lies, presenting us with worst-case scenarios, and using our vulnerabilities and circumstances to instill hopelessness and rob us of joy

Protection from evil: Prayers for protection from evil and physical harm can bring comfort and peace of mind

It is important to recognize who your true enemy is and to put on the full armor of God

Overcoming evil with good Focusing on the good rather than the bad, transforming yourself into a vessel of God's will, and trusting in God to save you from evil are ways to overcome evil with good

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