Golden-Citrine Angelic Light Transmission: Clearing and Uplifting the Solar Plexus Chakra.

11 months ago

The Solar Plexus chakra, known as Manipura in Sanskrit, translates as, “city of jewels.” This energy centre is located in the upper belly. It is our centre of personal power that governs our ego personality, all sub-personalities, and our primary sense of identity. The Solar Plexus chakra is also a main driver behind our sense of motivation, willpower, and purpose.

In this remastered transmission (originally uploaded December 2021) golden-white light from the Great Central Sun of Sirius is transmitted deep into the Solar Plexus along with a transmission of Angelic Golden-Citrine light to begin a clearing of ancient intrusive energies from the bloodlines, from other lifetimes and from limiting conditioning from this lifetime. This transmission assists in clearing power struggles from this lifetime and will strengthen your mental, emotional, psychic boundaries. In addition it will help to expand your capacity for fun and joy.

Music by Laurentiu Florea - Solar Plexus Chakra Note E2 (12Hz Alpha)

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