…is this plane crazy?

1 year ago

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is this plane crazy
11.30 Tartarian Empire
15.46 tartaria tech
16.56 tartaria
17.21 Breaking news A White nurse stabbed several times in NYC by her black patient
18.17 Brave young Iranian woman who was followed by thugs of lsIamic regime and filmed because she refused to cover herself
19.12 A group of women come out on the streets of Kabul today to protest against the Taliban’s closure of all beauty salons in Afghanistan.
19.52 6 years old “Leen Talib” who reportedly vanished for two day was found bleeding in the street.
20.13 are these the back drop people
20.24 Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips
26.46 caster oil
35.42 caster oil jamaca
39.15 avoid these foods
42.09 banna leaf
42.45 cacao creates stem cells
45.28 bees
46.04 borax
47.04 celtic sea salt
49.39 clothing weaponised

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…is this plane crazy?

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