Black Lipstick IS Trending on theFeed!

8 years ago

Black lipstick isn't just for witches!

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Yo, people are wearing black lipstick, and it looks super dope.

The trend really started heating up at when a bevy of designers rocked the looks on their runways during the oh so many fashion weeks around the world.
Rihanna's Fenty for Puma fashion show feature jet black pigmented pouts.
Ayo, that's my best Rihanna impression.* picture here, tell Kevin*

Orrrr Marky Marc Jacobs gothic glamour lips.

The secret to these puckers not looking scary is all in how you paint it on.
Dark lipstick can make your mouth appear smaller with is why you gotta outline that shiz girl.

Send me your best black lipped pics @thestreamtv!
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