My Best ChatGPT Prompts & Hacks | Attention Writers and Authors

1 year ago

My Best ChatGPT Prompts & Hacks | Attention Writers and Authors
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Prompt Elements:

Purpose: why; define your goal
Tone of voice
Writing style (as a favorite author, formal, funny, conversational)
Tasks assigned to accomplish (rank in Google, be human-like, upgrade content)
The persona of AI (assistant, expert, engineer)
Context: information, history, related subject matter
Structure and outline: (Chapters, story guidelines, sequences of actions, and content ideas)
Response format: blog post, checklist, listicle, letter, email
Lists: Do you need actions or points itemized (Top 10 lists, etc)
Response length: short, long, how long
Additional instructions: Rank your brain for more instructions you want to be followed

My Prompt Rules

A. Be specific
B. Give content along with your specifics
C. Add role-playing “act like…”
D. Iterate and refine your questions and commands until you get what you want.
E. Expand specific sections within the answer for future depth, explanations, and clarifications
F. Requests examples, facts, stats, and famous quotes regarding topics and specifics
G. Define your specifications of information
ChatGPT shines when it comes to blog writing. Compose meta descriptions, generate SEO keywords, or learn more about optimizing your articles in minutes. Check out these ten ChatGPT prompts for writing blog posts!

“Create an outline for a blog post about _____”
“Brainstorm an idea for a blog post about _____”
“Generate 5 title options for an AirPods Max review blog post”
“List 5 SEO-friendly keywords for a blog post titled The 10 Best Attractions in Rome”
“Write a 150-character meta description for this blog post: _____”
“Suggest ways I can make the tone more light-hearted in this blog post: _____”
“Act as a chef. Create 3 Italian recipes for a blog post. All recipes should be gluten-free”

ChatGPT for Spelling & Grammar
Having another set of eyes look over your work is essential, but what if your usual proofreader isn’t available? ChatGPT can proofread your work, provide feedback, explain grammar rules, and much more! Here are ten proofreading ChatGPT prompts to check out.

“Proofread the below for spelling and grammar, without changing the wording at all”
“Edit the following text and give feedback on incorrect spelling and grammar”
“Check the following text for potential plagiarism: _____”
“Count how many times “contains” was used in the following text and suggest alternative word choices”
“Analyze the following text for tense consistency: _____”
“Suggest ways I can improve sentence structure in the following text: _____”

ChatGPT can boost your confidence before submitting an important paper, from providing summaries of complex ideas to grading your paper. Note that you shouldn’t take any part of an essay directly from ChatGPT, as most schools consider this a form of plagiarism.


“Assign a grade to the below essay and provide feedback on your grading”
“Create an outline for an essay on _____. The essay should be 1,500 words in length”
“Generate title ideas for an essay about Moby Dick”
“Find five sources for an essay on the policies of FDR”
“Write a five-paragraph sample essay on _____ in a persuasive style”
“Edit the following essay for syntax and grammar”


“Brainstorm 5 Twitter post ideas about investing in the stock market”
“Provide 10 tips on how to make my social media content more engaging”
“Check this social media post for grammar, spelling, and punctuation: _____”
“Explain how to get accepted onto the Instagram Creator Program”
“Analyze the current Twitter conversations surrounding _____. Provide an overview of people’s thoughts and opinions”
“Suggest five hashtags I could use for a social media post about _____”
“Provide a prompt I can use as inspiration for a social media post about the importance of video content”
“Devise a social media strategy for growing the audience for my fashion influencer Instagram. I would like to increase my followers by at least _____ per month”
Generate five keywords I can use in my social media posts about _____”
“Write a fun 30-second script for a social media video post about _____”
ChatGPT for Copywriting
ChatGPT can help you master one of the most challenging writing disciplines, copywriting. Learn about different copy techniques, generate CTAs, co-write long-form copy, and much more. Here are ten ChatGPT copywriting prompts to help you get the ball rolling.


“Explain how I can use storytelling in copywriting to make my copy more engaging”
“Write five CTAs for my B2C sneaker company”
“Critique the following short-form copywriting and tell me how I can make it more engaging to customers: _____”
“Generate 5 billboard slogans for my Thai restaurant. The slogan should be no longer than 100 characters”

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