From New Age to CHRIST (the true Great Awakening)

11 months ago

A lotta new agers don't like me speaking my renewed mind. They can't accept what I'm saying; but if you're really into TRUTH you'll realise upsetting the new age applecart is what's needed - quick smart.

IN A WORLD FOUNDED ON SPIRITUAL LIES TRUTH IS UNPOPULAR. Generally, if TRUTH inconveniences someone or creates enemies for them, or discomfort, or discord with other people - they throw it out the window without blinking.

Many believe “truth” is a relative matter, but it's relative only in relation to the ONE TRUE GOD.

For over 30 years my "truth" came out of hinduism, buddhism and the cosmopolitan NEW AGE with its Luciferian - Do What Thou Wilt - mentality. But I've come to see that - Truthwise - the new age is a stomach BLOATED with malnutrition.

I've been all through the new age and out it's arse - smelling of 💩

Only the BLOOD OF CHRIST could remove the stench and the stains.

I'm here to help, in my down to Earth way; because WE ARE down to earth: we're human beings - fallible men and women - NOT cosmic beings, starseeds or gods in the making. That stuff is just so much STRONG DELUSION.

Hordes of cosmic hauteurs run around believing they're connected to truth who are anything but. Hosts of idiot savants assume connection to infinite wisdom yet when presented with genuine DIVINE Wisdom they reject it. True Divinity impinges on their "sovereign" lives and makes 'em feeeeel BAD 😩 - and we can't have THAT now can we 😂

Many influential - assumedly "awakened" folks - haven't a clue what's really goin' on or what they're actually into. Too many are under the impression that the spiritual realms are all goodness and light but they're DEAD WRONG. Highly deceptive spiritual beings ABOUND in the astral and lower heavens. I know, as a new ager I listened intently to a heck of a lot of 'em. They spoke all sorts of hopeful, wonderful things. As a young, autocrat lookin' longingly at the future I believed we'd be in the new age by now. A Golden Age of Love 'n' Light was soon to dawn!

WHAT CROCK! I put a lot of spiritual investment into LIES. Turns out Modern spirituality is a COLOSSEUM OF DECEPTION. The Universe this, the Universe that, THAT'S all I hear from pagan new agers and mystics alike. The CREATOR of the Universe gets short shrift.

Much new age deceit and delusion abounds about what we are but the sober reality is we're congenitally subject to moral ambiguity and DEATH. We're born into SIN simple as (the wages of sin IS Death) if that offends your spiritual pride and prejudice - your nonsense and nonsensibility - great! Check out all the bloody wars of history: the depths of horror, anguish, torture and extreme broken heartedness billions have experienced is unimaginable for most of us.

The "Raising Consciousness" lark is pure conceited moonshine. Think about it: Why are we urged to "raise our vibrations?" Why's our consciousness so low to begin with? I've come to SEE that humanity and the Earth are in a FALLEN STATE. Morphic Resonance is way out of whack. Life kills and feeds upon itself. The consciousness the new agers, pagans and mystics of the world are Rising Up to is LUCIFERIAN by nature (ISAIAH 14:12-15, EZEKIEL 28:1-2). "Expanded minds" don't expand further than anyone's heuristically deluded brain.

Despite the fanciful notions of Inner Light and Awakening we're ALL conceived within and born into spiritual darkness (ISAIAH 60:2, ROMANS 5:12, EPHESIANS 2:1-9). Personal heavens are intimately delusory with no real connection to the rest of creation - they arise from so many empirical lies which bear no relation to the Greater Reality (true DIVINITY).

Despite what masses of new agers say the darkness is only getting deeper, its grip tightening on the psyche of men and women. If people insist on happiness and prosperity under the terms of this world (not GOD) the grip must only become TIGHTER. The extremes of duality and its endless distractions come at us thick and fast: bombarding us with fantastical notions of planetary awakening on one hand - terrorism, pandemics, wars and ceaseless waves of vacuous trivia on the other.

There are some lovely folks involved in the new age and many NOT SO. Many heart's are in the right place; there's plenty of sincerity but also bags of delusion, gullibility, idiocy and a rampant naivety I too am guilty of to a large degree...

Droves of insufferable dorks put themselves about mixed with hordes of smart asses and simple lay people. Mobs of nutters talk BOLLOCKS along with a lotta social psycho's spreading personal insanities. THERE'S A WHOLE LOTTA MADNESS IS GOIN' ON.

If you wanna look into my conversion to the true JESUS CHRIST it's all in my lengthy but Spirit Inspired and action packed BLOG:

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