Joe Biden Suffers YUGE In Polling - Democrats Terrified #joebiden #polls #truth

1 year ago

Welcome back to our channel, folks! Today's intriguing discussion revolves around a new poll indicating an all-time low in America's trust in its institutions. This surprising revelation arose during a press conference with Kareem Jean-Pierre when questioned about the dwindling faith in the Biden administration.

However, the government isn't the only institution witnessing a trust deficit. Churches, banks, and various other establishments are facing a growing public disenchantment. Fascinating stats reveal a drop in confidence in 11 out of 16 tested institutions within just a year, with the average trust across all hitting a mere 27%.

Thankfully, not all hope is lost! Small businesses are drawing commendable confidence, while Congress, unsurprisingly, is languishing at the bottom. A surprising 11-point drop in confidence in the Supreme Court reflects the media's relentless scrutiny, especially targeting Justice Clarence Thomas.

Nonetheless, it's reassuring that Supreme Court justices aren't subjected to popular vote and their life-long appointments are immune to popular opinion's whims. Another eyebrow-raiser is the 15-point drop in the presidency's confidence since the last survey in 2021.

Despite the evident dissatisfaction, it's remarkable that some people still approve of the administration's performance. Small businesses, despite all odds, have managed to maintain high trust ratings, albeit a two-point drop. The military, the poll's most trustworthy entity, witnessed a five-point dip.

Churches and organized religions observed a six-point drop, possibly due to the proliferation of churches endorsing progressive views. Public schools are down by four percent, while banks and large tech companies are grappling with substantial hits. The most noteworthy dips were seen in the Supreme Court and the presidency, with the latter hitting Gallup's historical low.

However, the media earns the lowest trust rating at 16 percent, indicating a severe compromise in journalistic credibility. This unsettling trend reflects people's growing awareness of media biases, even while they continue to consume it.

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