3000 Troops Sent to Europe - USA Preparing to Enter Russian War?

1 year ago

https://nutrientsurvival.com Code: NS20 for 20% off. Guess what? The world got more dangerous this week with a number of concerning developments that you need to be aware of. Because that's what we do here. We keep our heads on a swivel and we keep ourselves and our families safe. First, the NATO summit this week was a big deal. And from what I've heard coming out of it, we are going to be stuck in this Russia-Ukraine war of attrition for a very, very long time. That's right. The G7 leaders got together with Zelensky to give him some reassurances that we're all still friends. And it seems our blank checks of support signed by the American taxpayer, you and me, have no end in sight. In fact, President Biden said that he was there to "make it clear that our support will last long into the future, and that we're going to help Ukraine build a strong, capable defense across land, air, and sea." You heard it. A long time into the future. But even with that, Solinsky, who by the way, apparently didn't get the memo about the event being suit and tie, and instead showed up in his signature Giorgio Armani, tailored pretend I'm in the army suit, even with that, he was miffed and threw a temper tantrum. Like a five-year-old. Because he wanted into NATO now, and the G7 clubhouse leaders weren't letting him in. First things first, they said, he needs to finish this thing with Russia before he can join. Otherwise, instead of just a proxy war with Ukraine doing the fighting for NATO, we'll actually have to do it ourselves. Per, as you know, Article 5 of the Alliance, a war with one is a war with all. And that, my friends, is something too much for even our globalist elite rulers to swallow. Now, as Jake Sullivan, our national security advisor, said every NATO ally, including the United States, needs to look squarely at the fact that admission of Ukraine into NATO at this juncture means war with Russia. That is an escapeable fact. That's what he said. So until that happens, Zelensky is going to have to sit on the sidelines, which basically means the war with Russia will never end. Never! Because if it does, if Putin lets it end, and he's the guy that's going to let it end, if he lets it end, then Ukraine is in NATO, and he has just lost a very big buffer between Mother Russia, I'm talking about Putin, and the West. So that's that. He's not going to let it happen. He's going to keep this thing going forever, okay? When we're, in the meantime, just going to keep pumping money and weapons and resources over there until quite possibly it bankrupts us all. So far, we're in for $40 billion of aid across what we've given. Military, administrative, you name it. And I feel that this is really just a drop in the bucket when it's all said and done. Now, speaking of which, you may not have heard this, but the White House just activated another 3,000 reservist troops to deploy to Europe. And this is in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve. This operation, by the way, it's been in existence since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea the first time around. Now the President's new order said, "It is necessary to augment the active armed forces of the United States for the effective conduct of Operation Atlantic Resolve in and around the United States European Command's area of responsibility." And don't forget that we've already added 25% more additional forces since February of 2022, when this whole thing started. That's 20,000 additional forces back then. And in total, now we're well over 100,000 US troops in the European theater right now, in addition to the 3,000 that we're just sending over. Now, we haven't been that high for about 20 years. But don't worry, this apparently is nothing to worry about according to the General in charge. And apparently, he isn't very good at math, because this is what he said. He said that the reservists "are not additional forces." These are just forces that will augment what we already have. Hmm, think about it. Not additional forces, but there are 3,000 more going. Okay, General, whatever you say. Next, the cluster bombs we promised as part of the last aid package have officially arrived in Ukraine. And it turns out this clever little invention, as you know, isn't so smart after all. After they're fired, they open in mid-air, and they release small bombs over a wide area to strike several targets simultaneously. It's a beautiful little invention, except it doesn't work all the time.

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